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Next Figure 3‑5 shows the ESROCOS Consortium where ADS/DLR/VTT will act as end-users, DFKI plays a major role as robotics advisor and all other partners are the most important actors across Europe within its corresponding area of expertise.

Figure 3 5: ESROCOS Consortium.

Figure 3 5: ESROCOS Consortium.

Each partner of the consortium will play a specific role within the project, with well-established responsibilities and objectives. In the frame of the project, each consortium partner will collaborate focusing on their respective areas and technologies of expertise where they are European References. The result is a complete, consolidated and well-balanced consortium covering all market know-how; technological expertise and scientific knowledge required in order to efficiently develop the proposed project.  In addition, the competence of the proposed consortium is supported by the technical and managerial capacity of the group; more specifically the highly qualified proposed key personnel that reflect the consortium commitment and motivation to this project. The following table depicts the roles in the project for each participant.




GMV Administrative and technical coordination, OG’s interfacing, system requirements, RCOS definition, TASTE tooling, CAN bus integration and qualification and orbital demonstrator.
DFKI Robot modelling, test set-up, planetary exploration demonstrator and dissemination activities.
UGA RAMS properties, formal verification and schedulability analysis.
KUL Robot meta-modelling and integration of semantics for geometric transformations.
ADS Planetary exploration track: End-user requirements and validation of test results.
DLR Orbital track: End-user requirements and validation of test results.
SKY Mixed-criticality approach for the three RCOS quality levels
INT ROS/rvis/gazebo integration, EtherCAT integration and qualification, semantics for geometric/KDL adaptation and validation.
ISAE Architectural modelling under AADL and Ocarina toolset adaptation
VTT RAMS requirements, nuclear demonstrator with a subset of ESROCOS solution

Table 2‑2: Consortium responsibilities per partner.