The PERASPERA In-Orbit Demonstration (PERIOD) project is one of the operational grants (OGs) of the Horizon 2020 Space Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) and has an objective to define an orbital demonstrator concept while capitalizing on the work of the previous…
ESROCOS comes to the end of the project with a triple validation
After 27 months of work, ESROCOS is coming to the end of the project. The main objective of the ESROCOS project, that now finishes, was to build an open-source framework for software development of robot control applications for space and other…
The ESROCOS project has successfully run its end-to-end validation in the test facilities provided by the FACILITATORS project
During September the ESROCOS framework was validated in three scenarios representative of space robotics and critical terrestrial applications. ESROCOS and FACILITATORS are two operational grants within the H2020 Strategic Research Cluster on Space Robotics Technologies, and they are both led…
ESROCOS present at IAC 2018 conference in Bremen
OG1 was present at The Horizon 2020 Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) on Space Robotics Technologies booth (5 A 61 in the Exhibition Hall) of the Bremen Exhibition & Conference Center at the International Astronautical Congress IAC in Bremen from 1st …
ESROCOS starts the test campaign after a sucessfull TRR meeting
Last September 10, the Test Readiness Review (TRR) of the ESROCOS project took place at GMV’s premises in Tres Cantos (Madrid, Spain). The TRR marks the completion of the software development and integration activities, and the start of the test…
ESROCOS will be present in SRC CALL 2 Information Day
On November 13, in Brussels, the Research Executive Agency (REA) organizes a CALL 2 Information and Exchange Day within the Strategic Research Cluster on Space Robotic Technologies. It will be presented the Work Programme for 2018-2020. ESROCOS Preliminary Design presentation…
On July 5 th GMV hosted the Preliminary Design Review for the ESROCOS project. GMV Spain coordinated the meeting with the participation of GMV Portugal and eight partner companies and institutions across Europe (DFKI, VTT, ISAE, Intermodalics, DLR, Airbus DS,…
02/06/2017 On 1 and 2 February GMV has hosted the biggest ever meeting of space robotics experts as part of the European Commission’s Strategic Research Cluster which is coordinated by project PERASPERA (Latin meaning “Through hardships to the stars”). The…